I just heard on the radio a commercial for a show on the OWN network highlighting the upcoming movie Selma about the historic Selma Alabama marches 50 years ago. One of the gentleman commenting on the importance of the film stated that it was timely for where we are now as a nation. Hopefully he didn't mean that the times and experiences are similar. Dr King was a civilized man of faith and morals peacefully fighting against racist discrimination of African Americans. What we have now are cop killers and mobs who disregard the rule of law and strike out violently and irrationally. Racial tensions are further manipulated and exacerbated by pundits and politicians. There is no comparison. If the film is timely it is to remind us to worship God as Dr King did and to voice our grievances as civilized law-abiding citizens not in angry mobs.
For the glory of God, in honor of Saint John Mary Vianney I pray that some of what you read or hear may lift your spirits in praise of Jesus Christ. Please feel free to email with questions or prayer needs.
Catholic Prayers for the New Evangelization
"Catholic Prayers for the New Evangelization"
Check out the revised edition of this exciting and unique prayer book, filled with prayers that are sure to nourish the soul as we undertake the New Evangelization.
Monday, December 22, 2014
Monday, December 08, 2014
Mary Ellen Albright
Saturday, November 29, 2014
Advent: A New Beginning
As the Church embarks on a new liturgical year, how much time and attention does God occupy in your life? We can all say: not enough. Take the Lord's hand and follow Him into a time in intense spiritual growth in this special season of grace. Pray more every day. Read the Bible and Catechism. If you need help with prayer and study seek out a priest or deacon to guide you. If youre doing that then deepend and lengthen your mental prayer, your silent time with God. Attend Mass as often as you can and confession monthly. We can't live without God. Soak up His grace constantly. Blessed Advent to all!
Thursday, November 27, 2014
Happy Thanksgiving!
Best doggies ever...the Basset!
Sunday, November 23, 2014
Feast of Christ the King: to Him be all the Glory!
Young man target of FSU shooting praises God for miracle that saved his life Thursday.
Christ is King!
Friday, November 14, 2014
How many more are there?
Sexual abuse of children is horrific and is to be condemned. Yet the media frenzy and "sue first ask for the facts later" mentality allows for injustice towards priests. This dedicated priest's suffering breaks my heart. Ten years in exile because of a lie. We pray for truth to prevail in all such cases for the sake of victims and we pray for justice for all.
Sunday, November 09, 2014
Saturday, November 08, 2014
Associated Press exposing breakdown in Catholic unity
People look the Church for truth. Doctrine is not made from a committee or from the grassroots level. Its not made bishops either really. Its revealed by God in Scripture and Tradition. Bishops exist to teach the truth which comes from God. To be true to God's call in their hearts they need to say what they believe and speak the truth even when its unpopular. Its their job. Our US bishops have been doing their job better and better in recent years. Thank God! The world and the Church need prophetic voices. Even if a given pope wants to emphasize one point of doctrine over another in a given era, the bishops and their priests still have to do their jobs and teach the whole truth. Even a pope cannot change God's reality. Welcoming is good. Loving is better than judging. But woe to anyone who allows the little ones to be led astray from Gods narrow way to the kingdom by confusing statements. In Gods truth alone do we find authentic unity. Proclaim the truth with love. Thats how we become fully Catholic. The world needs us to be who we are. Deep down the human heart yearns for the truth. If its true that we are sailing "rudderless" through a "mess" (the modern culture is messy!) then we need our bishops to teach clearly all the more on the issues of our time - marriage human life contraception cohabitation human trafficking freedom of religion terrorism - and their earthly and eternal consequences.
Sunday, October 19, 2014
The real synod message
Pope Francis' Address to the Synod Fathers
* * *Dear Eminences, Beatitudes, Excellencies, Brothers and Sisters,With a heart full of appreciation and gratitude I want to thank, along with you, the Lord who has accompanied and guided us in the past days, with the light of the Holy Spirit.From the heart I thank Cardinal Lorenzo Baldisseri, Secretary General of the Synod, Bishop Fabio Fabene, under-secretary, and with them I thank the Relators, Cardinal Peter Erdo, who has worked so much in these days of family mourning, and the Special Secretary Bishop Bruno Forte, the three President delegates, the transcribers, the consultors, the translators and the unknown workers, all those who have worked with true fidelity and total dedication behind the scenes and without rest. Thank you so much from the heart.I thank all of you as well, dear Synod fathers, Fraternal Delegates, Auditors, and Assessors, for your active and fruitful participation. I will keep you in prayer asking the Lord to reward you with the abundance of His gifts of grace!I can happily say that with a spirit of collegiality and of synodality we have truly lived the experience of Synod, a path of solidarity, a journey together.And it has been a journey and like every journey there were moments of running fast, as if wanting to conquer time and reach the goal as soon as possible; other moments of fatigue, as if wanting to say enough; other moments of enthusiasm and ardour. There were moments of profound consolation listening to the testimony of true pastors, who wisely carry in their hearts the joys and the tears of their faithful people. Moments of consolation and grace and comfort hearing the testimonies of the families who have participated in the Synod and have shared with us the beauty and the joy of their married life. A journey where the stronger feel compelled to help the less strong, where the more experienced are led to serve others, even through confrontations. And since it is a journey of human beings, with the consolations there were also moments of desolation, of tensions and temptations, of which a few possibilities could be mentioned: - One, a temptation to hostile inflexibility, that is, wanting to close oneself within the written word, (the letter) and not allowing oneself to be surprised by God, by the God of surprises, (the spirit); within the law, within the certitude of what we know and not of what we still need to learn and to achieve. From the time of Christ, it is the temptation of the zealous, of the scrupulous, of the solicitous and of the so-called today traditionalists and also of the intellectuals. - The temptation to a destructive tendency to goodness [it. buonismo], that in the name of a deceptive mercy binds the wounds without first curing them and treating them; that treats the symptoms and not the causes and the roots. It is the temptation of the do-gooders, of the fearful, and also of the so-called progressives and liberals. - The temptation to transform stones into bread to break the long, heavy, and painful fast (cf. Lk 4:1-4); and also to transform the bread into a stone and cast it against the sinners, the weak, and the sick (cf Jn 8:7), that is, to transform it into unbearable burdens (Lk 11:46). - The temptation to come down off the Cross, to please the people, and not stay there, in order to fulfil the will of the Father; to bow down to a worldly spirit instead of purifying it and bending it to the Spirit of God. - The temptation to neglect the depositum fidei [the deposit of faith], not thinking of themselves as guardians but as owners or masters [of it]; or, on the other hand, the temptation to neglect reality, making use of meticulous language and a language of smoothing to say so many things and to say nothing! They call them byzantinisms, I think, these thingsDear brothers and sisters, the temptations must not frighten or disconcert us, or even discourage us, because no disciple is greater than his master; so if Jesus Himself was tempted and even called Beelzebul (cf. Mt 12:24) His disciples should not expect better treatment.Personally I would be very worried and saddened if it were not for these temptations and these animated discussions; this movement of the spirits, as St Ignatius called it (Spiritual Exercises, 6), if all were in a state of agreement, or silent in a false and quietist peace. Instead, I have seen and I have heard with joy and appreciation speeches and interventions full of faith, of pastoral and doctrinal zeal, of wisdom, of frankness and of courage: and of parresia. And I have felt that what was set before our eyes was the good of the Church, of families, and the supreme law, the good of souls (cf. Can. 1752). And this always we have said it here, in the Hall without ever putting into question the fundamental truths of the Sacrament of marriage: the indissolubility, the unity, the faithfulness, the fruitfulness, that openness to life (cf. Cann. 1055, 1056; and Gaudium et spes, 48).And this is the Church, the vineyard of the Lord, the fertile Mother and the caring Teacher, who is not afraid to roll up her sleeves to pour oil and wine on peoples wound; who doesnt see humanity as a house of glass to judge or categorize people. This is the Church, One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic and composed of sinners, needful of Gods mercy. This is the Church, the true bride of Christ, who seeks to be faithful to her spouse and to her doctrine. It is the Church that is not afraid to eat and drink with prostitutes and publicans. The Church that has the doors wide open to receive the needy, the penitent, and not only the just or those who believe they are perfect! The Church that is not ashamed of the fallen brother and pretends not to see him, but on the contrary feels involved and almost obliged to lift him up and to encourage him to take up the journey again and accompany him toward a definitive encounter with her Spouse, in the heavenly Jerusalem.The is the Church, our Mother! And when the Church, in the variety of her charisms, expresses herself in communion, she cannot err: it is the beauty and the strength of the sensus fidei, of that supernatural sense of the faith which is bestowed by the Holy Spirit so that, together, we can all enter into the heart of the Gospel and learn to follow Jesus in our life. And this should never be seen as a source of confusion and discord.Many commentators, or people who talk, have imagined that they see a disputatious Church where one part is against the other, doubting even the Holy Spirit, the true promoter and guarantor of the unity and harmony of the Church the Holy Spirit who throughout history has always guided the barque, through her Ministers, even when the sea was rough and choppy, and the ministers unfaithful and sinners.And, as I have dared to tell you , [as] I told you from the beginning of the Synod, it was necessary to live through all this with tranquillity, and with interior peace, so that the Synod would take place cum Petro and sub Petro (with Peter and under Peter), and the presence of the Pope is the guarantee of it all.We will speak a little bit about the Pope, now, in relation to the Bishops [laughing]. So, the duty of the Pope is that of guaranteeing the unity of the Church; it is that of reminding the faithful of their duty to faithfully follow the Gospel of Christ; it is that of reminding the pastors that their first duty is to nourish the flock to nourish the flock that the Lord has entrusted to them, and to seek to welcome with fatherly care and mercy, and without false fears the lost sheep. I made a mistake here. I said welcome: [rather] to go out and find them.His duty is to remind everyone that authority in the Church is a service, as Pope Benedict XVI clearly explained, with words I cite verbatim: The Church is called and commits herself to exercise this kind of authority which is service and exercises it not in her own name, but in the name of Jesus Christ through the Pastors of the Church, in fact: it is he who guides, protects and corrects them, because he loves them deeply. But the Lord Jesus, the supreme Shepherd of our souls, has willed that the Apostolic College, today the Bishops, in communion with the Successor of Peter to participate in his mission of taking care of God's People, of educating them in the faith and of guiding, inspiring and sustaining the Christian community, or, as the Council puts it, to see to it... that each member of the faithful shall be led in the Holy Spirit to the full development of his own vocation in accordance with Gospel preaching, and to sincere and active charity and to exercise that liberty with which Christ has set us free (cf. Presbyterorum Ordinis, 6) and it is through us, Pope Benedict continues, that the Lord reaches souls, instructs, guards and guides them. St Augustine, in his Commentary on the Gospel of St John, says: let it therefore be a commitment of love to feed the flock of the Lord (cf. 123, 5); this is the supreme rule of conduct for the ministers of God, an unconditional love, like that of the Good Shepherd, full of joy, given to all, attentive to those close to us and solicitous for those who are distant (cf. St Augustine, Discourse 340, 1; Discourse 46, 15), gentle towards the weakest, the little ones, the simple, the sinners, to manifest the infinite mercy of God with the reassuring words of hope (cf. ibid., Epistle, 95, 1).So, the Church is Christ's, she is His bride and all the bishops, in communion with the Successor of Peter, have the task and the duty of guarding her and serving her, not as masters but as servants. The Pope, in this context, is not the supreme lord but rather the supreme servant the servant of the servants of God; the guarantor of the obedience and the conformity of the Church to the will of God, to the Gospel of Christ, and to the Tradition of the Church, putting aside every personal whim, despite being by the will of Christ Himself the supreme Pastor and Teacher of all the faithful (Can. 749) and despite enjoying supreme, full, immediate, and universal ordinary power in the Church (cf. Cann. 331-334).Dear brothers and sisters, now we still have one year to mature, with true spiritual discernment, the proposed ideas and to find concrete solutions to so many difficulties and innumerable challenges that families must confront; to give answers to the many discouragements that surround and suffocate families.One year to work on the Synodal Relatio which is the faithful and clear summary of everything that has been said and discussed in this hall and in the small groups. It is presented to the Episcopal Conferences as lineamenta [guidelines].May the Lord accompany us, and guide us in this journey for the glory of His Name, with the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary and of Saint Joseph. And please, do not forget to pray for me! Thank you!
Render unto God all the glory!
We are chosen by Baptism to give glory to God and tell the good news of our Catholic faith to all the nations. When Caesar asks us to render unto him that which does not belong to him we are compelled to say no and to give glory to God by rendering under him ourselves which are marked with his image even under persecution. We vote but according to our consciences. We pay taxes and obey just laws. However our bodies our sexuality our moral life our decision making all submit to God. God the author of marriage and creator of all life calls us to testify to the truth against popular opinion media bias and government mandate.
Wednesday, August 27, 2014
Monday, August 04, 2014
Wednesday, July 09, 2014
Wednesday, July 02, 2014
Tuesday, June 03, 2014
Homily Ascension 2014
At all Masses this coming weekend, Pentecost, June 7/8, we will host a chalice used by Saint Padre Pio and welcome Father Lester Knoll, O.F.M. Cap. as guest homilist. The chalice is made available to us through the generosity of the Saint Padre Pio Prayer Group of Cleveland. Masses Saturday at 4:00 and Sunday 7:00 and 9:00 at Our Lady of Victory and 11:00 at Saint Patrick. This is a great honor for our parishes and a sure sign of God's blessings.
www.andoverkinsmanparishes.org for more information.
Friday, May 16, 2014
Sunday, May 04, 2014
Homily: expanded version of Third Sunday of Easter for Knights of Columbus Exemplification Mass May 3, 2014
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
Seek what is ABOVE! Easter 2014
Friday, April 18, 2014
When no one cares for your life, you are united to the Heart of Jesus: Homily Good Friday 2014
We have all been there.