Catholic Prayers for the New Evangelization

"Catholic Prayers for the New Evangelization"

Check out the revised edition of this exciting and unique prayer book, filled with prayers that are sure to nourish the soul as we undertake the New Evangelization.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Homily Gaudete Sunday Year C 2012

Pray with me for the children of Newton, CT and their families.  Build together a culture of love and life according to God's will.


Homily Advent II Year C 2012


Tuesday, December 04, 2012

Homily Advent I December 2, 2012


Homily Christ the King 2012


Homily 33rd Sunday OT November 18 2012


Please visit our parish website...

Bulletin Column this week...

I thought I'd share this one...

Between the Sundays…

Among pastors there is a famous axiom: “90% of 90%.”  That is, “90% of Catholics receive 90% of their information and inspiration from Sunday Mass.”  Think about it: for most people, their only experience of the Church is Sunday Mass.  About 40% of Catholics nationally attend Sunday Mass regularly (and that’s the high end estimate).  Realistically, about 20% of the average parish participates in activities, services and events outside of Sunday Mass.  Think about your own experience.  How many people from our parishes do your know who you see at events other than Sunday Mass?

            Sunday Mass is, of course, the focal point of parish life.  The Eucharist is the source and summit of the life of the Church (see Vatican II, Sacrosanctum Concilium).  But what about all the other things we do?  Holy Day Mass remains a serious obligation for Catholics.  We offer fun social events, inspiring ecumenical services and educational opportunities.  None of us should miss out on an opportunity to be informed and inspired as we grow in faith.  Please keep close watch on the bulletin, calendar and website for all our upcoming events.  During this Year of Faith, resolve to participate more in the life of your parish.  You will surely be blessed!

            In particular, I want to focus your attention on weekday Mass.  Between the Sundays, the liturgical calendar is filled with feasts honoring the saints, Mary and events in Church history.  The Eucharist is celebrated daily for the intentions of our parish and the faithful departed.  We reflect on Sacred Scripture and the lives of the saints – the great heroes of our faith.  Daily Mass is the ongoing nourishment of our parish, not just on Sunday but all through the week.  To receive the Eucharist daily means having Jesus living within you all the time! 

On Thursdays at Our Lady of Victory, we honor Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament with a Holy Hour of Adoration after Mass, sitting at the feet of Jesus and resting in His presence with prayer and thanksgiving. 

On Saturdays at Saint Patrick, we have a Holy Hour as well.  Both days include the Rosary but Saturday is a special day of the week dedicated to honoring Mary.  We are blessed to have this special Saturday celebration – Mass, Holy Hour, confessions, Rosary and Benediction. 

Tuesday Mass is at 7:00 pm at Saint Patrick, allowing for working folks to attend if they wish.

Please think about coming to daily Mass as your schedule allows.  Make weekday Mass part of your spiritual routine in this Year of Faith and beyond.

A lot of good goes on between the Sundays in our parishes.  Come and share in the blessings!


Blessed Advent to all!  --Fr. Matthew

Prayer for Our Country

Prayed by Fr. Matthew at Paul Ryan's Rally in Ohio November 5th, 2012

Father of heaven and earth,
author of all life and source of unending love, we beg your blessing upon
our country on the eve of our national, state and local elections.

Bless and inspire all those running for political office that they may be
men and women of virtue and integrity, who honor their promises seek justice
for every citizen, especially the poor and vulnerable and defend the dignity
of every human life.
May our elected officials be statesmen and not merely politicians, leaders
who respect the ingenuity and freedom of all Americans.

O Lord, your faithful people honor your divine law as the foundation of all
human laws, revere the Sacrament of Marriage as the divinely instituted
covenant between man and woman and believe every life from conception to
natural death is sacred and created in your divine image.
We beg you, Lord, to grant us wisdom and courage so that we may defend the
dignity of life, marriage and family, the foundation of a just society, and
thus ensure the prosperity and peace of our great nation.

Our Founding Fathers enshrined in our constitution the right to liberty,
which you, our Creator, have bestowed upon us, and we believe in the right
of every citizen to worship freely according to one's own conscience.
Grant us, Lord, leaders of commitment to our nation's founding principles,
so that no citizen of our land may have to fear penalty or persecution for
worshipping you and living out his faith in the world.

Above all, Lord, may we never forget
that, while taking our place in public life is part of living out our faith
and values, you, O God, are the true king of our lives, the governor of our
hearts, the Lord of the universe.
Our salvation and our eternal joy are found in you.

As we proclaim our devotion to you, Lord, shower the blessing of your Spirit
upon us and prosper the work of our hands.

We give you praise forever and ever.  Amen.