Catholic Prayers for the New Evangelization

"Catholic Prayers for the New Evangelization"

Check out the revised edition of this exciting and unique prayer book, filled with prayers that are sure to nourish the soul as we undertake the New Evangelization.

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Advent: A New Beginning

As the Church embarks on a new liturgical year, how much time and attention does God occupy in your life? We can all say: not enough. Take the Lord's hand and follow Him into a time in intense spiritual growth in this special season of grace. Pray more every day. Read the Bible and Catechism. If you need help with prayer and study seek out a priest or deacon to guide you. If youre doing that then deepend and lengthen your mental prayer, your silent time with God. Attend Mass as often as you can and confession monthly. We can't live without God. Soak up His grace constantly. Blessed Advent to all!

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Father's Homemade Cherry Pie

Came out very well. Dad's favorite made special for his 70th birthday today.

Happy Thanksgiving from Max

Happy Thanksgiving!

Best doggies ever...the Basset!

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Feast of Christ the King: to Him be all the Glory!

Young man target of FSU shooting praises God for miracle that saved his life Thursday.

Christ is King!

Friday, November 14, 2014

How many more are there?

Sexual abuse of children is horrific and is to be condemned. Yet the media frenzy and "sue first ask for the facts later" mentality allows for injustice towards priests. This dedicated priest's suffering breaks my heart. Ten years in exile because of a lie. We pray for truth to prevail in all such cases for the sake of victims and we pray for justice for all.

Sunday, November 09, 2014

Evening Prayer

Young priests praying with our phones. Ibreviary app. :)

Saturday, November 08, 2014

Associated Press exposing breakdown in Catholic unity

People look the Church for truth. Doctrine is not made from a committee or from the grassroots level. Its not made bishops either really. Its revealed by God in Scripture and Tradition. Bishops exist to teach the truth which comes from God. To be true to God's call in their hearts they need to say what they believe and speak the truth even when its unpopular. Its their job. Our US bishops have been doing their job better and better in recent years. Thank God! The world and the Church need prophetic voices. Even if a given pope wants to emphasize one point of doctrine over another in a given era, the bishops and their priests still have to do their jobs and teach the whole truth. Even a pope cannot change God's reality. Welcoming is good. Loving is better than judging. But woe to anyone who allows the little ones to be led astray from Gods narrow way to the kingdom by confusing statements. In Gods truth alone do we find authentic unity. Proclaim the truth with love. Thats how we become fully Catholic. The world needs us to be who we are. Deep down the human heart yearns for the truth. If its true that we are sailing "rudderless" through a "mess" (the modern culture is messy!) then we need our bishops to teach clearly all the more on the issues of our time - marriage human life contraception cohabitation human trafficking freedom of religion terrorism - and their earthly and eternal consequences.