Catholic Prayers for the New Evangelization

"Catholic Prayers for the New Evangelization"

Check out the revised edition of this exciting and unique prayer book, filled with prayers that are sure to nourish the soul as we undertake the New Evangelization.

Monday, December 18, 2006

Homily 17 December 2006 Gaudete Sunday

Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church
Youngstown, OH

As the weeks of Advent drift by
we come ever nearer to the celebration of Christmas.
Our Lord is ever nearer to us.
On this Gaudete Sunday…a word in Latin that means "Rejoice!"…
the Liturgy calls us to rejoice in a special way
because the birth of Christ is almost upon us.
The Introit Antiphon of today’s Mass echoes the words of Paul
from today’s Second Reading from the Letter to the Philippians…
"Rejoice in the Lord always; again I say, rejoice! The Lord is near."
In my family, today is the traditional day when we put up our Christmas Tree.
This is one of the ways in which we gradually anticipate Christmas…
and celebrate today as a special day of rejoicing.
The Rose-colored vestments and candle on the Advent Wreath
Remind us of the great joy we feel today as a Church…
waiting for the birth of the Lord.
We wait with bitter longing as the Israelites did in ancient times,
as they longed for a savior.
We wait with Mary, as she joyfully expects the birth of her son.
As a Church, we have great cause to rejoice…
today and every day!
For as the disciples of Jesus Christ we possess a great treasure.
By the grace of God and the ministry of the Church
we have access to the power of God’s grace…love…and mercy
through the sacraments
We are the heirs of the authentic interpretation of the Holy Scriptures…
and to the living revelation of God through the Tradition of the Church.
To us Jesus has promised that the Holy Spirit will remain with the Church…
to guide us into the truth.
With us always is the living presence of Jesus Christ…
in the Tabernacle…
and in every Mass we celebrate.
To us is given the great and sacred Patrimony of the Church…
her beloved rituals…traditions…teachings…customs…
passed down through the centuries…
and her caring presence in the world.
Yes, my dear friends, we possess an awesome treasure…
gifts of grace and love beyond compare…
freely offered in love beyond measure…
Yes, it is good to be Catholic!
Rejoice in the Lord, my friends, I say again, rejoice!
The Holy Scriptures today tell us…
"The Lord is in your midst."
This is the cause of our rejoicing…
That in the Eucharist…the Sacraments…and in the whole life of the Church…
the Lord Jesus is indeed near to us…in our midst.
For the life of our Church is not simply old laws and empty rituals.
The life of the Church is at every moment an intimate journey with Christ.
Every sacrament, liturgical celebration, charitable outreach, social gathering…
every moment spent in prayer and learning about the Faith…
is a moment to grow deeper and deeper in our relationship with Jesus,
who is for humanity the only real source of life and love and happiness.
The Lord Jesus…who came among men as a baby boy…
and who longs to come into our hearts and souls in the Eucharist…
does not come only for us.
He calls us to share the great treasure we have as Catholic Christians.
We can ask ourselves…how have those around us benefited or been changed…
because of the ways we have shared Christ with them?
What is different about our lives because of the Lord’s nearness to us?
In today’s Gospel…
The crowds ask John the Baptist "What should we do?"
They are looking for direction and they turn to the prophet of God for answers.
He tells them to live justly and to treat others with dignity.
He tells them to share with those in need…
their extra cloaks and food.
In our world today…
there is not only a need for food and clothing among the poor…
but a tremendous need among all people
for the for the love and the truth of Christ.
For that message of love and truth to find its way into the hearts of all men…
demands that someone share it with those who long for it.
That someone is you.
We are each called to share with those in need,
in our broken, fallen, mixed-up, and violent world
the message that God’s love will triumph…
and the truth that His law is the path to true happiness.
In this holiday season we are saturated by the glitz and glamour of retailers.
This year I have heard at least a half-dozen radio commercials…
all with their own twist…
explaining to presumably incompetent men
how to buy jewelry for the ladies in their lives.
One is a woman telling her husband…
who she hopes is listening…
where to shop in order to be guaranteed of making her happy!
The question is…
What is the real pearl?
What is the real treasure…that brings lasting happiness?
It is our faith.
It is the great privilege we have to have the Lord Jesus so near to us.
This is a gift that is meant to be lived and to be shared!
So, this Advent, prepare well for Christmas.
Rejoice today that the Lord is near to us!
And this Christmas, give the gift of faith.
Share with those in your life the treasure you have been given…
the love and truth of Jesus Christ.

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