Catholic Prayers for the New Evangelization

"Catholic Prayers for the New Evangelization"

Check out the revised edition of this exciting and unique prayer book, filled with prayers that are sure to nourish the soul as we undertake the New Evangelization.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

"The Morning After" (originally written 5 november 2008)

For the past 18 months or so, Americans of deep faith have prepared for yesterday’s general election. Bishops wrote pastoral letters and spoke out courageously. Priests preached the truth. People in both parties worked to “get out the vote.” Christians reminded their fellow citizens of the necessity of exercising their civic responsibility in defense of human life, the sanctity of marriage, and the dignity of the human person. Catholics spent hours before the Blessed Sacrament, begging the mercy of God and His Divine Providence on our great country. People worked hard and prayed even harder.
In the end, the citizens made their voice known and elected the 44th president of our nation: Barack Hussein Obama. The party whose platform includes the so-called “right to choose” has also secured majorities in the Senate and House of Representatives, and a majority of governorships.
This is the time to study and point out who exactly the president-elect is and what his administration will mean for our country. On so-called homosexual marriage, he has stated that he “respects the decision” of the California Supreme Court, to strike down an initiative of the people banning the attempt to re-define the sacrament. On human life, he has promised Planned Parenthood that he would sign into law the Freedom of Choice Act, legislation that is un-American, un-Christian, and uncivilized in its abolishing of protections of women and unborn children. On our unstable economy, he has offered foolish promises, and proposed no real solutions. On the Supreme Court, he promises liberal judges who do not understand the constitution, and who will delay the overturning of Roe v. Wade – a court decision that has proven devastating to our nation’s prosperity – perhaps for another decade. These issues remain and there is much work to be done. Government must be held accountable for both immorality and inefficiency.
Our American culture is in peril, and the souls of our youth are in danger from the influences of a violent, anti-life, sex-obsessed, narcissistic, and secularized world. The frenzy into which the president-elect’s supporters have been drawn, despite the fact that he has said nothing of substance, speaks volumes about the false values of our times. The “fairness doctrine” will likely be instituted in the coming years, effectively destroying talk radio, the last bastion of free speech.
We must consider the effects on our Church. Catholic hospitals and Catholic Charities organizations will be pressured to accept the false values of the liberal ideology – abortion, contraception, etc. – and will be forced to close if they try to object. We may even see priests persecuted and imprisoned for speaking the truth. The Church will suffer.
It may seem that the soul of our nation is on the brink of being lost. At the same time, remember that today is the first day of our future, a future which we can and must shape for ourselves and our posterity.
In his concession speech, Senator John McCain said of America: “I remain her servant.” America needs humble servants, devoted to loving and serving our great nation. We need courageous men and women, who will rediscover and promote the core principles of American society – the principles of the Founding Fathers. This is the moment to identify what it truly means to be a Christian and an American, and to live those values with unwavering passion.
Today we re-group. Today we pray more fervently, love more deeply, work more diligently, and speak more loudly. All is not lost. Providence is with us. Signs of hope are everywhere in our young people. Never give the enemy the satisfaction of seeing anything but a smile. Fight for all that is good. Inspired and united, we shall be a formidable force, driven by the mere seven words of a commencement speech delivered by Sir Winston Churchill: “Never, never, never, never, never, never quit!”

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