For the glory of God, in honor of Saint John Mary Vianney I pray that some of what you read or hear may lift your spirits in praise of Jesus Christ. Please feel free to email with questions or prayer needs.
Catholic Prayers for the New Evangelization
"Catholic Prayers for the New Evangelization"
Check out the revised edition of this exciting and unique prayer book, filled with prayers that are sure to nourish the soul as we undertake the New Evangelization.
Monday, April 29, 2013
Thursday, April 11, 2013
Homily Divine Mercy Sunday
Homily Divine Mercy
Sunday 2013
Good Friday 1993...
Sharon McAllister left to attend Service of the Lord’s
Her two boys pleaded not to have to church, so she left them
at home,
with strict
instructions on how to behave responsibly while she was gone.
Of course, the moment she left, mischief reigned supreme!
The boys immediately got out their BB guns
and began to play a dangerous kind of
hide-and-seek with them,
at each other as they hid behind different obstacles in the yard.
14-year-old Patrick was hiding behind a small boat that was
lying in the field.
Just as he stood up and came round from behind it, his
brother fired a shot
which hit
Patrick directly in the eye.
In a state of shock and panic, the boys at least thought to
run to a nearby house
and a neighbor
lady rushed Patrick to the emergency room.
Her husband took his brother to church to find and inform
their mother.
When Mom arrived at the hospital,
she was startled to see the doctors
waiting for her.
They told her that the BB had pierced through Patrick’s eye and torn his retina.
They told her that the BB had pierced through Patrick’s eye and torn his retina.
There was nothing they could do for him.
The hospital even called in a specialist, who provided only a
bleak prognosis.
He would never see out of that eye again, and his overall
vision would be impaired.
Patrick remained in the hospital
through Easter Sunday,
and on Monday he went
home with both eyes bandaged shut.
Each day Sharon changed Patrick’s bandages and checked
his wounded eye.
When she took off the dressings and
exposed his eyes to the light,
described that it was like “sparklers going off in his eyes.”
He could not see and the shredded
inside of his eye was causing him great suffering.
Even worse, the pain medication he was given caused nausea
and vomiting.
Frustrated and with no hope except in God, Sharon decided
that her family needed to go to
church and pray on Divine Mercy Sunday.
She had heard the lesson of Saint Faustina,
a polish nun to whom Jesus appeared
several times beginning in Lent 1931.
Jesus told her that He would answer
any prayer of those who pray devoutly on DMS.
Jesus said to Faustina…
“I have opened my Heart as a living fountain of mercy. Let all
souls draw life from it. Let them approach this sea of mercy with great trust.
Sinners will attain justification, and the just will be confirmed in good.
Whoever places his trust in My mercy will be filled with My divine peace at the
hour of death.” (1520)
Patrick was not supposed to move
around much until his scars healed
Sharon insisted
that he go with her
her only hope was in the Divine Mercy of Jesus.
So they went, and they prayed for
Patrick to regain his sight.
On Monday, there was no change.
Then, on Tuesday, when Sharon opened Patrick’s
his response was much
different than usual.
“Mom, I can see you,” he blurted out.
“What do you mean?” she asked.
“Like before!” he replied.
was confounded and amazed that Patrick was able to see at all,
let alone see as well as before the accident.
Even if Patrick regained some sight
after such an accident,
scar tissue in his eye should have left him with spotty vision.
When they went to their family
doctor, he, too was amazed, and asked:
“Who performed this surgery?”
God not only worked a miracle for
Patrick but also for his brother,
was greatly troubled knowing that his carelessness had blinded his brother.
Not a day goes by that the whole
family does not thank God
His abundant mercy and love revealed in Jesus Christ.
Today is Divine Mercy Sunday,
great and beautiful Easter gift given to the Church by the Risen Christ.
The appearance of the Risen Christ among
the Apostles is shocking.
He comes through locked doors and
stands in the midst of His fearful friends.
His few words – “Peace be with you!” – dispel their anxiety.
Jesus shows to the Apostles the
wounds which He suffered on the Cross…
which remain in His glorified body as signs of His infinite love.
From those wounds…in His hands and
feet…flowed His Precious Blood…
ocean of mercy waiting to bursting forth from His Sacred Heart
and cascade over the
souls of all humanity.
In that same moment, Jesus transmits
to the frightened and dumbfounded disciples
sacramental grace to be ministers of His divine mercy.
He institutes the Sacrament of Penance,
and entrusts it to His
chosen friends…the first priests of the Church.
“Whose sins you forgive are forgiven them, and who sins you retain are retained.”
It is through the Church’s ministers
that Christ desires to bestow His merciful love.
We give thanks to God, for His mercy
endures in the sacramental life of the Church.
The appearance of the Risen Christ to
Saint Faustina in 1931 was also shocking,
He suddenly came and stood with her in her humble convent cell.
He appeared in dazzling white, with
His right hand raised in blessing,
with red and white rays emanating from that glorious wound in his side.
Jesus revealed to her that the white
ray symbolizes the saving water of Baptism…
the red symbolizes His precious blood poured out on the Cross.
The same Risen Jesus appeared to the Apostles…and to Faustina…
reveal the same incredible gift of His unfathomable divine mercy!
The prayers for this Second Sunday of
the Collect, which speaks of the Father’s mercy,
fountain of water and the blood of redemption,
so beautifully with the themes of Divine Mercy.
Jesus also revealed to Faustina a
prayer known as the Divine Mercy Chaplet,
promised great favors to those who pray it in faith.
We will gather as a parish family
this afternoon at 3:00 to pray this prayer.
In invite and encourage you to join
Like the McCallister family, we all
have needs – not the same as theirs –
we all have prayers and concerns which we need to lift up to Jesus
we beg His mercy upon us and our world.
Like the Apostles, the doors to our
hearts are often locked because of fear,
or stubbornness.
Like Thomas, our need for outward signs…proof…upfront
us from embracing the opportunities for grace God presents to us.
Perhaps this devotion to Divine Mercy
is new and uncertain for you.
Be not afraid!
Today, the Risen Christ stands in our midst in this Holy Eucharist…
beckons us to partake of the saving and redemptive tide of His mercy.
Today the Risen Christ wishes us
peace, and promises us love.
Today the Risen Christ calls us to
put aside our fear and doubt,
and place our trust in
His mercy.
Dear friends, be not unbelieving in
divine mercy…
but believe…and cry out
with Saint Thomas :
“My Lord and my God!”
Cry out with Saint Faustina: “Jesus,
I trust in You!”
Come pray with us this afternoon.
Believe in the mercy of Christ which endures forever…
that you may have life in Him!
Wednesday, April 03, 2013
Christ is Risen! Indeed He is Risen! Alleluia!
Our renovation of the sanctuary at Our Lady of Victory turned out gloriously! Our Lord is again in a place of due honor and prominence in the church. Praise to Jesus Christ! See picture below...
Homily of Easter - basic skeleton with ad libitum additions given from the pulpit...
Homily of Easter - basic skeleton with ad libitum additions given from the pulpit...
Homily Easter 2013
My favorite saint is Saint John Vianney…the patron saint of
My Confirmation patron…
2011 trip to Ars…
In the rectory I keep a lovely icon of St. John Vianney.
He is depicted in the icon holding a scroll that bears words
for which he is famous.
“The eyes of the world see no further
than this life…
the eyes of the Christian see deep into eternity.”
This morning, the glorious paschal mystery we celebrate
compels us to
see with the eyes of faith
and to look beyond what we can
perceive by our human senses
and our fallen human nature.
God has become man and has died on the deathbed of the Cross.
A man has been raised from the darkness of death.
This is no mere human reality…
but instead is
a great mystery that transcends time and space…
breaks the
chains of this world’s limitations
and extends deep into eternity.
Faith in the
Resurrection…and indeed the whole
Christian life…
requires that we perceive and understand everything
in a much deeper and more profound way
than the limitations of this world’s
chains will allow.
We are called to see deep into eternity!
We believe in the Resurrection of
Jesus Christ from the dead…
a mystery…a reality…that
is not seen by the world in its limitedness.
We believe in many such mysteries.
This Holy Mass we celebrate is not just what we
are doing…
nor is it
merely what can be seen and thus grasped and even manipulated.
Instead we are entering into the Liturgy of the church
and the ceaseless worship of the
the eternal banquet of the Lamb of God…
where heaven is wedded to earth.
When we celebrate the Eucharist…the eyes of the world see
only bread and wine
but the eyes
of the authentic Christian see deep into eternity
behold the living and abiding presence of the eternal Son of God,
Risen Jesus Christ!
When we hear the Pope and the bishops speak on matter of
faith and morals…
we are not
merely hearing the voices of men chattering.
We are hearing the voice of the Holy Spirit…
who speaks through the Magisterium of the Church.
who speaks through the Magisterium of the Church.
And we must listen…or
we shall answer for having ignored the voice of God!
When we meet another human being…
we ought not
see merely a body to be objectified
or one from
whom we can gain something or whom we can control.
The Christian sees a complete person…created in God’s image
and possessing a great dignity that
demands respect and love.
The Christian looks at another person…and sees a soul!
The human person is thus to be respected and valued,
not fabricated
or discarded.
The world sees only this life’s fleeting pleasures…
what to
consume or to wear.
The authentic Christian sees that
there is a spiritual dimension to the human person
recognizes that life is not complete
a constant relationship with the living God.
That relationship…in its fullness…
includes daily prayer,
weekly Mass, and regular confession.
Without these, the eternal, spiritual
part within us withers…
life becomes increasingly frustrating and overwhelming
we have not allowed God to love and nourish our hearts.
The eyes of the world see the universe as an accident
but the eyes
of the Christian see the detailed and loving plan of the Father.
The Christian life opens our hearts to deeply spiritual and
incredibly joyful realities
and allows us
to truly live as people of hope…
who know there is more to life than what
we perceive at first glance.
Saint Paul says: seek what is above,
live for the things that
are above, not the things of earth.
The hope of the Resurrection takes us
beyond the easily comprehendible
the mysterious and sublime
reminding us that there
are deeper realities worth living for.
What we can sense is not all there
Thus the Christian does not live only
to be satisfied by earthly happiness.
From this day on, open your hearts
and minds to see what is deeper,
has been given by God above,
is beckoning you to live for eternity.
The life of the Church has so much to offer to us all…
peace in
relationship with Christ
joy in loving
others in their complete and intricate beauty
freedom in
embracing the truth.
This morning, the Risen Christ beckons us…one by one…
calling us to see with the eyes of
to seek higher realities…
and to
gaze...this day and always…deep into eternity.
Good Friday Homily
Homily Good Friday 2013
As we journey through the uncertainty
and brokenness of our human experience
of us at one time or another encounter the pain of loneliness:
loneliness that follows the death of a loved one
loneliness of separation from those we depend on
loneliness of abandonment, of insult, of betrayal
loneliness of feeling unheard and unappreciated
the loneliness of feeling our prayers are unanswered by God.
Today we come to Calvary: a place
of total loneliness and emptiness.
It is God’s will that the story of
Jesus should come to this,
Saint Paul writes to the Philippians:
emptied Himself in becoming man
and further
humbled Himself in obediently accepting death on the Cross.
While everything is taken from
it is Jesus
Himself who freely lays it all down
for the
salvation of the world and to liberate us from slavery to sin.
The self-abasement of Christ is
integral to God’s plan,
He wills His Son to undergo the depraved darkness caused by our sins.
In His Passion, Jesus experiences
in internal tempest of emotions
as foreboding
as the storm that rolls in upon His last breath.
On Thursday night, at the Last Supper,
heartfelt sharing of Himself in the Eucharist
stooping to lovingly wash the feet of His disciples
met with blank stares, questioning, objections,
as if they
never understood Him at all.
In the Garden, the three closest collaborators
fall asleep
when Jesus
asks them to pray with Him.
Judas has sold the Son of God for
thirty pieces of silver.
Outside the High Priest’s house, in
the courtyard,
denies even knowing Jesus, despite his unique role as the first pope.
The Apostles scatter in fear and
hide behind locked doors.
The crowds who welcomed Jesus with
Hosannas on Sunday
turn on Him and demand of Pilate His death by crucifixion.
He is rejected by His own people,
even though He has always been a faithful Jew.
No doubt He must have wondered if
His name would be remembered
minutes after He has died.
On the Cross only Mary and John
care to remain with Him.
There is no relief from the unspeakable
pain and brutality of Jesus’ execution.
Flesh pierced and torn apart, blood
spurting, bruises and lacerations,
wounds filling up with dirt as He falls again and again,
crushing weight of the Cross,
cruelty of the guards and the crowds.
Gasping for breath, His nerves
pulsating with fierce pain,
He cries out in agony even
wondering if even His Father has abandoned Him.
He breathes His last on the
deathbed of the Cross.
After He is buried, Jesus descends
into the netherworld,
than the lowest sinner,
to offer to
those who died before the advent of the Messiah
the opportunity
of salvation.
There, He experiences further
loneliness, the emptiness of the damned.
There is no darkness which Christ
will not embrace for the salvation of humanity.
Jesus is alone. No one cares.
No one appreciates what He has done for us.
Abandoned, betrayed, rejected, hurt
and reeling from injuries:
takes it all, every pain humanity can incur,
all at once,
in His own Body.
This is the loneliness we sometimes
feel: abandoned, empty, hurt, rejected.
All the work we do and all the
endeavors we undertake
defeated and meaningless if we do them alone,
no one walks with us in our life’s journey.
No matter what we do, it’s not good
enough. Jesus knew that feeling.
In our darkest emotional
experiences, we are one with Christ
close enough to Him to feel the salve of
His love.
The story does not end in
loneliness or in death or in darkness.
Even in the last moments of Jesus’
earthly life, there are glimmers of light.
From the pulpit of the Cross, Jesus
preaches forgiveness for those who hurt us
leave us lonely and abandoned.
Forgive them, Father.
The Centurion acknowledges He is
the Son of God.
Psalm 22 begins with the question of
but ends in
hope for God’s people.
We are one with the lonely Christ. He suffered what we suffer.
In our darkest moment, we are
understood and appreciated, if by no one else,
Jesus our Savior and Friend.
We have the assurance that
ultimately we are not alone.
Jesus promised to be with us in all
our trials and sorrows.
This is the greatest consolation:
to be understood and loved by Jesus.
God also sends us rare cherished
friends, friends who do not abandon us,
who reveal the love of God and remind us we are loved.
In our loneliness, we further have
hope in the promised glory of heaven,
available to us by the suffering and rising of Jesus.
There is a splendid future in store
in which we
shall rejoice in the company of the saints forever,
amid all
our friends in faith.
This is the moment of the great sacrifice
of Christ,
moment of the outpouring of God’s mercy for the healing of our souls.
Embraced by His divine love, we journey
through live without fear of abandonment
Christ is forever by our side.
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