Catholic Prayers for the New Evangelization

"Catholic Prayers for the New Evangelization"

Check out the revised edition of this exciting and unique prayer book, filled with prayers that are sure to nourish the soul as we undertake the New Evangelization.

Saturday, June 04, 2016

What happens when you watch Megan Kelly and think too much...

Brilliant, famous, influential Catholics disagree on their opinions of Donald Trump.  To wit:

I have not made up my mind yet.  Sometimes is can see how valuable Trump’s strong policies and love for American exceptionalism are.  Other times he seems so angry and mean.  Do we want a leader who knows what is takes to insure American progress and security straight in his mind but is a jerk?  I’m not sure.  I do think that it’s not a good idea to tell Catholics that the one pro-life candidate who understands the rule of law and wants to protect our jobs and our borders is not worthy of their vote.  Since when do Catholics reject without cause or opportunity for reconciliation? 

Beyond the harsh exterior and the policy positions, there is another element of The Donald that came out during Megan Kelly’s first prime-time special two weeks ago.  Kelly asked not only political questions but probing personal ones.  When asked if he had ever been “wounded” by anyone, Trump had no answer.  He needed to think about it.  Kelly tried to open him up but he could not face the answers.  He appeared afraid to look inside himself and unwilling to consider those he wounded and those who wounded him.  He was unwilling to admit any regrets, something every healthy human person has to do. 

Trump said if he is ever wounded, he immediately fights back.  Furthermore, he comes across as defensive.  His attitude gives the impression that he believes that the large crowds at his campaign rallies give him a mandate to be angry.  Thus, he is justified in his vulgarity and does not have to meet people where they are and work with them. 

It’s possible that the tough outer shell is hiding much we have not seen about the real man.  When his wife Melania was interviewed, she showed viewers their palatial NYC apartment and spoke lovingly of Donald and his virtues.  Yet, when he is interviewed, he comes across with the vulgar attitude that gives rise to Weigel’s article. 

If he does not win the presidency, where most candidates find value in getting their ideas out for discussion and changing the political landscape by their campaigning, Trump said he would consider the whole campaign to be a “waste.”  Peculiar. 

It would be helpful if we all could know the man better before we make our choices.  If he learned the virtue of authentic humility (not to be confused with being a wimp) he would be a better man and candidate.    

An aside, now, regarding Megan Kelly’s show.  After Trump, she went on to interview a trans-sexual human being, who spoke of finding “my truth” and “living my dreams.”  Herein is encapsulated the “Dictatorship of Relativism” which Benedict XVI famously defined.  When an individual limits their life experience to having it their way, they are trapped in the confines of their own limitations and are not free to see all that the Lord has in store for them. 

In interviewing Trump, Kelly made the statement “You’re Jewish; I’m Catholic.  We both understand guilt.”  Trump was reluctant to open up – as I observed anyway – or to speak of hurts, wounds or regrets.  “Catholic guilt” is an unfortunate stereotype.  Guilt, in a healthy sense of remorse and contrition, leads to confession and reconciliation. 

Unfortunately, the culture around us mocks “guilt” and prefers a mentality of radical individualism.  The truth is: it’s far healthier for individuals and society to acknowledge sin, seek reconciliation and live, not for themselves, but for others.  Relativism is the crux of our societal struggles and God’s law is the medicine of their healing. 

Our great country needs a leader who will stem the tide of socialism and the dismantling of the Constitution begun in the last eight years through policies that weaken American stability, all the while promoting human flourishing, encouraging prosperity and safeguarding security.  There is no perfect statesman, or as we say today, politician.  There are some who can do far better than what we have experienced recently and others who have openly committed to building on a foundation of sand.  We also need Jesus Christ in order to be converted to a deeper sense of virtue, other-centeredness and respect for the dignity of the human person.  With God, all things are possible – even the conversion of a demagogue.  So, pray early and often. 

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