Christ Jesus is the image of
the invisible God,
the firstborn of all creation.
the firstborn of all creation.
In the preface of Christmas, we hear that,
through the incarnation and birth of Jesus, God made Himself visible so that we
might be “caught up in the love of the God we cannot see.” Jesus is “God with skin on.” The incarnate Jesus Christ experiences and
redeems the totality of our human life.
Jesus lived among us and thus understands all our joys and sorrows. God is not the watchmaker of the Deists but a
deeply personal God, who loves us enough to want to be with us in the most
intimate way, and to bear our burdens with us.
For in him were created all things in heaven and on earth,
the visible and the invisible,
whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers;
all things were created through him and for him.
Creation takes place IN, THROUGH and FOR Jesus
Christ. The Son of God, even before He
was incarnate and was given the name Jesus, was involved in the creative action
of the Father. Genesis 1 says that “God
spoke and it was made.” The Word of the
Father is the Son of God, the Second Person of the Trinity, who would in the
fullness of time take on flesh and become man.
Jesus was there at the beginning.
He was also involved throughout the Old Testament as the Word who spoke
through the prophets. He is the Rock who
gave life-giving water to the thirsting Israelites. The Fathers of the Church even say that the
MIND of God takes on flesh in Jesus. God’s
Mind and Word take on a “life of their own,” so to speak, in the Incarnation. The Son of God becomes flesh and reveals the will
of God in a deeply personal way among us.
The Trinity is unified in every act of
creation, redemption and sanctification.
All things were created through
the utterance of the Word of God, who is Jesus Christ; in Jesus Christ, that is, with His involvement and intimate participation;
and for Jesus Christ, for His
sake. God did not need creation but
created the universe in order to share His love. The Father first and from eternity shares His
love with His Son. Everything that
exists is made by God to exist first and foremost for the praise and
glory of Jesus Christ. Jesus is the
fullness of who God is and the perfect manifestation of God to us.
He is before all things,
and in him all things hold together.
and in him all things hold together.
This verse reminds us of the prologue of John’s
Gospel. John says that the Word was with
God in the beginning and IS God. Jesus
is supreme over the universe. Everything
in the universe depends on Christ to remain in being. We cannot even breathe without His
He is the head of the body,
the church.
Jesus established the Church and remains its
Head. His headship is manifested through
the ministry of the bishops and priests.
Just as creation depends on Christ, so does the life of the Church.
He is the beginning, the
firstborn from the dead,
that in all things he himself might be preeminent.
that in all things he himself might be preeminent.
Jesus is the beginning of creation and also of
the New Creation. Through His Passion
and Resurrection, Jesus has saved us from sin and opened the way for us to
eternal life. All things have been made
new in Christ. He alone is the savior of
the world. He has done first what we
hope to do: rise to eternal life with the Father. By rising from the dead, Jesus is supreme and
preeminent in all things. There is no
other “god” or “messiah” who has died and rose from the dead for our sake. Jesus deserves our total devotion and
obedience because He is the source of eternal life for us. Jesus is the first to be born from the dead,
to rise from the grave, and He shows us the pattern of what we are called to be
and to do.
For in him all the fullness
was pleased to dwell,
and through him to all things for him,
making peace by the blood of his cross
through him, whether those on earth or those in heaven.
and through him to all things for him,
making peace by the blood of his cross
through him, whether those on earth or those in heaven.
In the New Covenant, Jesus is the center of the
universe. Through Jesus everything is reconciled; through His blood enmity is put to death and harmony is restored; in Him we see the totality of who God
is; for His sake everything is reconciled
and redeemed so that the entire universe owes all praise and glory to Jesus
Jesus is God from the beginning and shares form
eternity in the fullness of who God is.
The Father empties Himself in love in begetting the Son, who returns the
Father’s love perfectly from eternity. Their
love is fruitful in the Spirit, who proceeds from the shared love of them
Jesus became incarnate in order to make god
visible to us. In Jesus we see the
fullness of redemption. God cannot teach
us more about Himself than He already has in Jesus.
He is the first-born from the dead and provides
the path for us to rise from sin and death into eternal blessedness with
God. Jesus became like us that we might
become like God. His paschal mystery is
our salvation from sin. He took pour
place, bore our infirmities and suffered the punishment we deserve.
Jesus is the Head of the Church, which carries
on the sanctifying work which He began with the Apostles. The Spirit guides this work of
Therefore, in everything, Jesus is preeminent. He is the center of the universe and the
center of our lives.
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